Attracting Hummingbirds in Zone 8
Hummingbirds, or hummers as they are familiarly known, are about the cutest things for a bird watcher. These fast-moving, tiny birds love brightly colored, nectar-rich plants. Choosing plants for hummingbirds in zone 8 simply requires paying attention to hardiness and then opting for plants that produce food enjoyed by the birds. You can part with the sugary red feeder that requires cleaning and refilling if you just put out a couple of plants that attract them and also make your outdoor space colorful. Whether you have year-round hummers or just winter visitors, there are a large variety of these tiny birds to attract and watch. Ruby-throated hummingbirds may be native to the area and are year-round denizens. Wintering species may be Rufous, Broad Billed, Buff-bellied, Blue Throated, Black Chinned, Allen’s, or the tiniest bird in North America – the Calliope. The colors and activities of these pretty birds are a birder’s joy, which can be enjoyed up close when plants that attract them are placed near your family hangout. Remember to keep plants that attract hummingbirds in zone 8 away from the proximity of the family cat, as you don’t want to be responsible for the demise of one of these beautiful birds.
Planning a Zone 8 Hummingbird Garden
There are many options for zone 8 hummingbird plants. Instead of the high-maintenance hummingbird feeder, planning a garden that has long-season appeal to the birds is an easier option and one that affords you the opportunity to watch the birds in a natural setting. Large plants that bloom annually are a long-term solution to attract the birds and don’t require annual planning and planting. Try some azaleas, flowering quince, or mimosa. Vining plants that are perennials provide vertical feeding spaces that are out of the way of predatory animals and keep the birds at eye level. These may include:
Honeysuckle Trumpet vine Cypress vine Morning glory
Additional plants for hummingbirds in zone 8 include a number of perennials that provide year after year blooms, but annuals are also useful to attract hummingbirds. Hanging planters are a great way to keep the birds safe and bring them into the patio or deck space. Petunias not only beautify the area but will attract hummers like magnets. Other annuals with long-season blooms that bring in the hungry birds are:
Tobacco plant Snapdragons Fuchsia Nasturtium Calibrachoa Impatiens Shrimp plant Beard tongue Salvia Jewelweed
Even your herb garden will be attractive to these little birds. Flowers that come up in spring and summer on your chives, sage, or Echinacea provide the quick energy these small animals need. Almost any plant that flowers and has a sweet scent will bring in hungry hummingbirds. Plant them so there are blooms in the garden in most seasons. If you take responsibility for hummingbirds, be aware, these little guys are territorial and will come back year after year. Keep a ready supply of blooms, or in the off-season, provide them with a clean, sanitary source of homemade nectar.